Saturday, December 2, 2023

DIY - Updating An Old Coat Rack

If you read my last blog post, I wrote a tribute to my friend and long time Dunitz & Company office landlord. LQ Jones was our landlord for 24 years. He lived downstairs. And our offices were at street level. We brought our dog or dogs to work every day all that time. That translates into a lot of walks in the neighborhood. Every day when we returned to our office, we'd get a view into LQ's residence. And if you check out the red arrow, this is where we saw his coat stand which was next to his desk. What always amused me the most was hanging from this coat stand was a pink and white cowboy hat. That always put a smile on my face. I'm sure this hat was never worn by him! And I never asked him the origin of it. (I'm sorry I never did.)



LQ (McQueen to us) passed in 2022. It took a while for his kids to get the building sold. And when they entered escrow, I was given notice to vacate. What wasn't acceptable for charitable donation, was being discarded, both by us and LQ's family.  Charitable organizations will not accept many types of furniture including desks or any pieces that are NOT in perfect condition. What did I do? I asked if I could have that coat stand. (Yes, of course, it's yours!)

Obviously I had never examined this coat rack up close. If I had, I probably wouldn't have asked for it. When it was delivered to me by LQ's son, I discovered a old piece that was very charming, but also in very bad shape. The stand was discolored from fading and peeling, unstable and had some minor water damage. After assessing the piece, I knew there was no way I could restore it to its original mahogany finish. (I discovered it was originally mahogany when I completely took it apart. The areas never exposed to sunlight revealed this.) Those round circles, I thought those were metal. Nope. They are hard plastic and when I rec'd the piece they were flaking and spreading strange dust everywhere. 

A bit of hip shooting and I got to work. I intuitively knew the coat rack needed to be completely disassembled. It needed a lot of sanding. My gut told me after prep work, spray paint would be my best and easiest option for restoring this old piece to a new glory. I already owned steel wool and sandpaper. And a trip to Home Depot resulted in purchases of dark green satin paint and antique bronze paint.

The restoration work took place in my driveway. I spread out old sheets and cardboard. Did I take a photo of everything as I was doing the work? No. Of course not. But my neighbors all stopped to ask what I was doing. "That's a big project." "That's a nice color." All those comments definitely correct. Here are more before pics.

I was careful when I took the coat rack apart and saved all the old screws. They're bronze and aged and look fantastic on the finished piece. It's a good thing I took before pics because reassembling it was a giant puzzle. And there were two types of screws meant for different parts of the coat rack.









I completed the project over two days. And I'm delighted with how it turned out. My home decor utilizes a lot of earth tones, greens, tans, browns. Here are a couple of detail pics and then one of the completed piece. After seeing these you might find an old rack for yourself on OfferUp or Facebook Marketplace. Why not?
As a tribute to LQ, I've hung an Australian cowboy hat I purchased on a vacation on my now refreshed coat rack. Did I mention that the stand no longer wobbles?

And perchance if you can see through my dining room window, you'll see this coat rack (with cowboy hat) proudly standing. I love it because now I think of my friend every day when I pass by it.-ND









Sunday, November 19, 2023

A Tribute to a Kind Man, LQ Jones

 Last month we were given 30 days to vacate our office of 24 years. I knew the day was coming because our landlord had passed away in 2022 and his kids had put the building up for sale. If any of you know me well, you know I'm a machine. I worked 24/7 to close up the Dunitz & Company and get us moved out of our space at 2142 N.Cahuenga Blvd.





Most of you probably don't know that our office landlord was LQ Jones. He was a very well known character actor, and later director, who seemed to have been in every cowboy movie and television show in the 50s, 60s and 70s. He lived downstairs, and the office we occupied at street level was zoned commercial. He was a prince of a man, a true gentleman and we miss him a lot. To us he was "McQueen" which was his birth (last) name. When I first met him, he told me I was too young to know his first name. I'm guessing that was an inside joke of sorts. His name was Justice as was his father before him. And you know what? He was very just. He was always kind to people that walked by in front, including homeless. And if someone recognized him, he was always gracious. I witnessed all of this many many times. He insisted that he do all the "dirty work" around the outside of the house. He'd get annoyed if I ever took out the garbage bins. Seriously.


A couple of weeks ago, his son brought me an old coat rack I thought I could refinish (next post), and a few photos of his dad, which I'm sharing here.  This framed photo hung in McQueen's home. He had lots of photos and posters hanging in his home from his years of acting. Whenever I entered his home, it felt like "Old Hollywood." This photo was snapped when McQueen was filming Sam Peckinpah's "Pat Garrett and Billy The Kid."  LQ is sitting in the chair wearing sunglasses. The dark haired man looking upward is Kris Kristofferson.  I was told the man "with that familiar hat" with his back to us is most likely Bob Dylan. Dylan had a bit part in the movie.


What a smile McQueen had. Clearly this photo was snapped long before I met him. His son told me of all the photos of his dad, this was his and his sister's favorite. Cowboys were always smoking cigarettes back then. I don't think he smoked in real life. At least all those years I'd known McQueen, I never saw him with a cigarette.






I knew that McQueen's health was failing during Covid times. He was locked up inside his home and I think I only caught a glimpse of him once or twice, maybe 3 times. Crazy right? For years, we'd sit on the stoop and chat. A few weeks before he passed, I drew this portrait of him, for him. Even in his 90's he was a very good looking man. Did I say I miss him? We were blessed to have known him and have the Dunitz & Company office for so many years "just upstairs." -ND

LQ Jones - Pin

Thursday, November 2, 2023

My Favorite Fall Finds; Fair Trade, Supporting Small Businesses & A Good Read

You know I'm all about fair trade. I've been collaborating with artisans in Guatemala for a really long time to bring you fantastic Dunitz & Company jewelry. When making personal purchases, I always look to support other fair traders and small businesses whenever I can. In July, I shared my favorite summer finds.  Now it's fall and I have a few more discoveries to share with you.


I recently returned home from the western region Museum Store Association meeting that took place in Las Vegas. My intent was to mingle with museum store buyers. And as it turns out, one of the most fun things at this get together was meeting other vendors. I met Gila, the proprietor of Dar Chocolate Art Bars. They make the most fantastic chocolate bars in Denver from cacao they import from small farmers in many countries. Gila is an amazing graphic illustrator too. Not only can you see her fantastic drawing featured on their website, but on their chocolate bars. You can purchase direct, or if you're really lucky, you'll find some of Dar's bars at your favorite museum store.


Yes Yes. I love to eat. And I do love honey. I was randomly searching on ETSY, and stumbled upon Honey Run Farm, a small family owned business out of Ohio. I was fascinated that the honey they collect varies each season based on what the bees "eat." I was hooked. I wanted to know the difference between honey produced in Summer, Spring and Fall. Their website explains it all so well. And their customer service is absolutely fantastic.  They also make handmade soaps. If you know me at all, you know I'm also crazy for handmade soap. What's not to love? A small business that offers honey and soap. Ya gotta check them out!

I've been taking more time to read lately.  Admittedly, I do watch a few too many Netflix series. But by joining the NYU Alumni Voracious Violets Book Club, I've dug into some fantastic books that have been recommended. If you're reading my blog, I think you'll be fascinated by The Monk of Mokha. "A heart-pounding true story, The Monk of Mokha weaves together the history of coffee, the ongoing Yemeni civil war, and the courageous journey of a young man--a Muslim and a US citizen--following the most American of dreams." If you started and operate a small fair trade business, you will absolutely relate to Mokhtar Alkhanshal's story. When you build a small business, things don't always go to plan or how you set out in your business plan. That assumes you had a business plan.

A follow up to my July Favorite Finds post, I have to sing the praises of Sevya Fair Trade again. After loving my first summer top from them, I had to order others. The pink & white cotton top shown here is my new favorite.  And since it seems to NOT be cooling off here in Los Angeles, I've had lots of opportunity to wear it. The weather will cool down, and I know I'll have to order some long sleeve blouses from their catalog. Check them out. And like Dunitz, Sevya is a verified member of Fair Trade Federation. You'll look good and feel good wearing their designs.


Many of you know I'm a new and enthusiastic gardener. My yard is small, but it's mighty. I'm monkeying around in it and cleaning up every day. I can't stop. My latest "fun" has been discovering bulbs I can plant that will provide me beautiful flowers. I often search for suppliers in California where I live because there are so many agricultural regulations when it comes to our state.  My newest discovery is Easy to Grow Bulbs, a small business with fantastic customer service. They have been so friendly and prompt answering my endless questions. And their website is also replete with lots of info. Their office seems to be based in Oceanside, CA, but my order shipped from Wisconsin. (I guess that means it's okay to ship bulbs from elsewhere into California. I had no idea on that.) I'll be planting various types of paperwhites soon. Stand by for my garden photos when I can show them off. 

So, there you have it.  A few of my favorite Fall finds. Perhaps one of them will become a favorite of yours. In the meantime, don't forget to check out Dunitz & Company's fair trade jewelry. Check out our store locator to find a brick & mortar in your area selling our designs. Or peruse our website. My hope is that my designs will become one of your favorite finds :). -ND

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

A Competition That Could Benefit You & Us

Today I announce a competition that could benefit you and us. And actually, we could have several winners. Dunitz & Company is always looking for new ideas for their fair trade jewelry collection. And the ideas don't always come from our own heads. Just saying.


Who knows better than you, what will sell in your store (or you might purchase in a store)? If you suggest a new painting for our famous art earrings collection, and we are able to offer it, we'll send you a pair as a gift. (When making suggestions keep in mind, images need to be available in the public domain.) Last year a customer recommended we add "The Kiss" to our collection. And she was right on target!  

Have an entire "collections" idea for us? If it makes sense and we can create it, we will send you a dozen pairs to sell in your store. Come on! We know you have some great ideas. Help us help you. And not just you and us. Good ideas help us provide more work for artisans in Guatemala. Please send us digital photos. We know some of you might suggest sea life, fish and turtles. So far, we haven't found good accessible art. Perhaps you can share some with us.

Check out some of our popular collections that might get your light bulbs turned on. 


Our customers love butterflies! This collection of butterflies is reordered and reordered. 

And if you haven't brought our musical instrument studs into your store, it might be time to do so.






We thought this collection would be fantastic for sports fans and players. This is our newest collection.




Bring it on! We'd love to hear your ideas of what you WANT to sell in your stores. Perhaps we can provide it. Dunitz & Company wants you! -ND

Monday, July 31, 2023

My Favorite Summer Finds; Fair Trade, Vintage, Handmade

As owner, salesperson and box packer for my business, Dunitz & Company, you know I'm all about fair trade. I like supporting fair trade in general. I also love hunting for vintage treasure and all things handmade. Here are some of my favorite finds this summer of 2023.


round bar of garden soap wrapped in paper
If you've been watching my personal Instagram, you know gardening is my new passion! What does that mean? I'm always on the hunt for pots and plants and all things gardening.  One of my favorite discoveries this summer is Gardener's Hand Soap from Daisy Hollow Farm on ETSY.  OMG, it's amazing. It smells wonderful without being overpowering. It has little cranberry seeds that also help scrub off dirt. My newest bar hangs out in a small dish by my kitchen sink where I use it regularly.

Stargazer Bulbs wrapped and ready to plant
I have recently joined all these gardening groups on Facebook. And I'm inundated with videos and stories on Instagram of gardens I envy. It also means I'm gathering all sorts of tips and inspirations. You might not know this about me. But my favorite flower is Stargazers.  My ears perked up when another California person wrote that her Stargazers blossomed and looked amazing. How is that possible? She told me about Holland Bulb Farms. This website is a true find. I immediately ordered Stargazer bulbs which I will plant this weekend. Let's hope they come up next Spring. The best part, they were on sale and the instructions were for immediate planting. (I promise to share photos when they bloom.)

Woman wearing Sevya sleeveless top
It's been HOT! I think that is the consensus just about everywhere. The lightweight sleeveless tops I discovered from Sevya Fair Trade are amazing. They're super adorable and super comfie.  I strongly recommend you check out our Fair Trade Federation colleague’s designs.  Don't worry if you want to cover up your arms they have lots of options for you. Once I realized how much I LOVE the top I'm wearing in this photo, I had to order others.

Vintage Scarab Bracelet

I adore vintage. And this one is so random. A few months ago, I was thinking about a scarab bracelet my parents had given me when I was a young girl. I assumed it was long lost, and randomly went on eBay to see if I might see something similar. Guess what? I found the bracelet in my safety deposit box recently and I've been wearing it. It fill me with joy knowing it was a gift from my parents who passed long ago. Honestly, it isn't all that valuable dollar-wise. It being tucked away in such a secure location is baffling to me. If you'd like a piece of history, you can find one similar for $20 or $25 on eBay. Just search for scarab bracelets. This one on my wrist, is a wonderful summer find!

Vintage Botanical Roses Print

Did I say how much I like hunting for vintage goodies? Of course, I have. Typically I do this by scouring flea markets, and sometimes eBay. This summer I discovered Estate Sales are another way to find treasures. One estate sale, actually. But I might go to some others now from time to time. For some reason I was seeing ads on Facebook for Again LA Estate Sales, based here in Los Angeles. They were advertising an estate sale for Naomi Hirshhorn who passed at 97. She was the daughter of Joseph Hirshhorn, think Smithsonian Museum. I knew he was one of  the art collecting greats, which made me very curious about his daughter. I was most curious about her house which was located in a more up-market neighborhood close to my home, and only an 18 minute walk per Google. How could I not go have a look. And as it turned out, I learned of the sale on the last day, when anything remaining was 75% off!  Evidently her most valuable art was transferred to bigger art galleries for sale. But trust me, even on the last day of the sale, there was tons of  "stuff" that had to go. I spent about $40.00 - and $20 went for this wonderful vintage framed botanical. Not bad. And to think I now have a piece, Hirshhorn. Crazy Find.


Trader Joe Ethiopian Fair Trade Coffee
Finally a re-find. Several years ago, I had purchased Ethiopian fair trade coffee at Trader Joes. And then somehow I forgot how nice Ethiopian beans are. I'm once again drinking in style. And the best thing? This coffee is fair trade certified.







Summer Finds Pin

We're in the throws of summer now. Summer is officially over the first Monday of September. That means between now and then, I hope to uncover some other fabulous finds.  If and when I do, I'll add them to this post.  In the meantime, have some fun and happy hunting for your own treasures. Let me what you discover. Maybe you'll find your next favorite on the Dunitz & Company website! -ND

Friday, June 30, 2023

The Positive Side of COVID - from a Fair Trade Wholesaler Perspective

I know these have been tough times for so many of my fair trade wholesaler colleagues. We're finally on the other side of COVID and for many of us, much has changed. So many people I know crawled through COVID, and many business couldn't hold on. For me, I actually think a lot of good came out of COVID times, both personally and professionally. Sometimes the line between personal and profession blurs for me because my life is so intertwined with Dunitz & Company. I decided to ask several of my wholesaler friends what good came out of COVID for them. For me, the answer was simple. For others, as you'll soon read, they really pondered my question and their responses were much more detailed than I expected. My answer will come last. But for now, here is the question I posed and the replies I received.

NANCY: Phew! We're mostly on the other side of COVID. What a relief. I know operating a business during the last few years has been so tough. I also know that some good things came out of COVID times for many of us, both personally and professionally. Would you care to comment on the positives for you? (You can share either a personal tidbit, professional tidbit, or both.)


Women doing community work
Jennifer Webster, Mayamam Weavers: If given a choice, we wouldn’t wish to relive the pandemic but we also recognize there were some bright moments during this time.  As people spent more time at home, Mayamam Weavers enjoyed an increase in website sales. Since traveling to Guatemala wasn’t an option, the members of the cooperative learned to use technology more to communicate with us in the US. Between using WhatsApp for quick questions to scheduling zoom calls for planning meetings, we were able to forge ahead. One of our backstrap weavers, Maria, was thrilled to have the opportunity to teach a virtual embroidery class to Americans from Guatemala.


Woman at mountain view
Karen Sparacio, Project Have HopeDespite the challenges of maintaining a business during COVID, COVID offered the opportunity to regroup, reconnect with myself and with friends, and hit the pause button on the constant rat wheel of life.  I found time to climb mountains (literally) that cleared my mind to be prepared to climb all of the figurative mountains erected from the pandemic.



Artisans holding shirts
Nina Moukova
, Seeds to SewCOVID has thrown a wrench into things for many of us, especially those of us whose work supports communities in other countries, on other continents. Trying to come up with any positives that came out of the COVID pandemic, one thing stands out: Compassion became endemic in our lives. People helped each other, checked on each other and really connected in a way that we didn’t know before. Professionally, it was wonderful to see so many people came forward and asked us how they can help the women and girls in our programs, realizing that the people in developing countries are the most vulnerable and need our support. The amount of volunteer applications was (and is!) overwhelming and we have gained many new friends and colleagues, who are still volunteering regularly, helping us raise money for our programs any way they can. Thanks to our generous supporters, we were able to provide the women in our programs in rural Kenya with necessities and resources when they needed us the most. We are still feeling the aftermath of the pandemic, but we are thankful we were able to get through it. Most importantly, we are thankful to know that the women participating in our programs are now much closer to becoming empowered and resourceful active members of their local economy.

Peacock with feathers spread out
Joan Rausch, Sevya Handmade My first thought was no more trade shows! That has been one of the biggest blessings for sure. (And this was #1 on my list too! I'll comment more on that when I share my answers below.) For us, less travels led to more time for introspection, meditation, and consequently more clarity about what are our priorities in this life and how to best nourish the ultimate freedom of being alive to the limitless reality of each moment. All of this feels like coming back full circle to where we were at when we first started Sevya, with open hearts, free minds, and a clear vision of giving oneself completely to what is. We had the opportunity to step back and take perspective from the “busy-ness” of running a business and could focus again on the heart and vision of our work.  We are designing our collections with renewed inspiration and gratitude for this blessing of life.


Three women smiling
Melissa Kendrick, Sojourns Fair Trade I discovered I had a more committed customer base who was hyper focused on keeping small businesses afloat. This created a stronger sense of community that continues now.



Artisan making a scarf
Rikki Quintana, Hoon ArtsThe COVID-19 pandemic saw me shifting online, like everyone else in the world. For HoonArts, that meant that we started doing a lot of virtual programming, including live events with our artisans (including live from Central Asia). This has turned out to be a wonderful opportunity to have our customers get "up close and personal" with our artists and to expand our storytelling and marketing footprint. As a result, we've even launched a new "Experience Box" product which includes both handmade products and digital goodies




A colorful embroidered face mask

Rosa Chang, Blossom Inspirations: (Rosa had a lot to say. And soon she may blog about it herself. Here is a bit from what she offered.) I met YOU because of COVID! Our friendship started when you purchased one of our Arpillera masks. If you recall we developed these masks to support a vulnerable single mom without a job during the pandemic. (I completely forgot about this!) I had the time to write and publish a bilingual book for kids which helped support the basic needs of artisans. Blossom Inspirations, because of down time, was able to reset, restart and reimagine. Innovating with artisans during the pandemic virtually was possible with current technologies. And personally, I connected more with neighbors and I had time to learn more about black lives matter, fair trade, circular economy and sustainability.

 And what were my positives?


Drawing of a girl and dog

Nancy Dunitz, Dunitz & Company: Professionally, I'm with Sevya. I'm thrilled to no longer be traveling to trade shows. When you travel to many, it is so draining. The advent of B2B wholesale websites, (which has resulted in smaller in-person gift shows) has made this possible. This allows me more freedom and time to focus on other areas of the business. Personally, two things stand out. I was a long time meditator and somewhere along they way, I stopped. At the beginning of lockdown, Bob Roth from the David Lynch Foundation began twice daily Zoom TM meditations. I'm back to 2x daily meditation and I'm certain this has kept me sane. And finally, I took up drawing. Perhaps you've seen some of my other blog posts where I've shared some of my drawings. I had taken a five day drawing course in Mexico in October 2019. When I came home, I bought supplies and did nothing with them. At the beginning of 2021, while we were all still sheltering in place I started drawing regularly. And now I can't stop. Without COVID, these positives would not have happened for me. (The drawing excerpt shown here, at time of posting is not finished. But it's what I'm working on right now. A self portrait with mascot, Bella.)the-positive-side-of-covi


Pin our Blog?
I know COVID times were tough. And for many, the effects are long term and many small businesses are still recovering. For this blog post, I wanted to focus on 'half full' vs 'half empty.' It's so inspiring to know that positives came out of these difficult times. A common thread among everyone who responded seems to be the opportunity and time for introspection, the growth of community and the observation of more compassion among people than we'd known existed. Do you have a positive to share? I'd love to hear about it and welcome you to email me at Thank you for reading my blog.-ND

Friday, May 12, 2023

Why is Supporting Fair Trade Important to You?

It dawned on me that Dunitz & Company fair trade jewelry is sold in many stores that are not specifically and exclusively fair trade stores. Yet, many of our customers clearly support fair trade and ethically run small businesses. I wanted to give some of these buyers and store owners I know an opportunity to tell us why they support fair trade. I asked the question and here is what some of my retail partners had to say.


Lyn Cooperman, North Fork Craft Gallery - Wading River, NY says "Supporting Fair Trade is important to me because I feel my customers and I are helping artisans in developing countries break the cycle of poverty. One of my favorite experiences with a Fair Trade wholesaler was soon after I was able to reopen after the pandemic. I placed a large order and the owner of the company called to personally thank me and shared that because of that order 3 women were able to provide food for their families.  It goes without saying that the goods I purchase from Fair Trade vendors are unique, well made, beautiful and representative of their unique cultures."


Susan Hayes
, Lima Bean Glassworks & Gifts - Danville, IL says  "It is very important for us to support fair trade organizations to ensure we’re engaged with those who share our goal of ensuring people in every aspect of the creative and manufacturing process receive fair and appropriate compensation for their contributions."




Jennifer Scott, Eclectic Calico - Madison, NC says "Supporting fair trade is very important to me and to my small business.  First and foremost, I love people, ALL of them.  I can't think of a  better way to show that love than to purchase products that are made by people around the world.  The fair trade requirements help ensure that these artisans are treated fairly and earn a fair wage.  Secondly, it is important that we reach outside of the day to day world we know.  Most Americans have all their needs and many of their wants met and have little idea of how the rest of the world lives.  It is important to me to have these products in my small business in small town America.  I enjoy sharing about these products and the artisans that craft them.  I hope what my customers hear, see, and purchase makes a lasting impression on how they view others."


Patti Opel, Kook's Eye Gallery - Pentwater, MI says "I came about owning a business because ultimately personal responsibility is a keystone to my personal philosophy.  With that comes making good choices for myself, my customers and the globe.  The more ethically a product is produced everyone involved in the process benefits.  Ultimately, I place a high value on handmade hand crafted products.  There is a strong humanitarian appeal to hold on to an object that someone has spent time and energy to produce. Knowing that fair wages, good working conditions and a sustainable future are part of that is why fair trade is important to me.  Supporting fair trade simply is the right thing to do." 



Lea Osby, Animas Trading Company - Durango, CO says "We always jump at the opportunity to work with vendors that support and provide for struggling communities. So many corporate companies today turn a blind eye to developing countries' struggles and how they are contributing to those struggles. We have always believed that a lot of small steps taken by small businesses can make a world of a difference. At Animas Trading, we pride ourselves on carrying fair trade products because we believe it is incredibly important to source from and support ethical and sustainably run businesses. No community should be exploited and businesses should hold themselves accountable for the environmental and ethical effect small decisions can make. We believe that fair trade is an amazing way to start affecting positive change in the world!"


Bernadette Goudelock, Virginia Museum of Fine Art Shop - Richmond VA says "The Virginia Museum of Fine Art Shop searches the world to provide a diverse selection of merchandise including unique jewelry. Fair trade vendors like Dunitz & Company fill the niche of handmade pieces that are unique and it provides our customers a selection of well-crafted jewelry that is not commonplace or can be found just about anywhere. The VMFA Shop strives to support fair trade vendors and artisans. By promoting their jewelry and sustainable material used we provide opportunities that artisans may not have had otherwise. We hope to gain a wider awareness for these artists that are creating great wearable art. 

Amy Scipioni
, Floral & Hardy - Skippack PA says "I purchase from Fair Trade sources because I believe in ethical business practices that take into account the environment and at the same time support the actual  producers whose hands create the  wonderful products."

Dan Ayers-Price, Key West Art & Historical Society - Key West, FL says "In the world of museum stores, we want our merchandise offerings to represent our mission, exhibits and artifacts as best we can in order to extend the guests experience from the museum into the museum store.  While this often includes a lot of custom made/bespoke items, I have always felt that Fair Trade, in all forms, is equally as representable within our offerings.  The trend of shopping smarter, shopping American made and shopping Fair Trade is something that everyone is embracing and seeking out, especially the younger generations, and will continue to grow as we embrace a global mindset.  The sheer creativity and resourcefulness of Fair Trade items is art within itself."  


Kathy LaCorte
, Kathy's Kove & Kafe - Washington, NJ says "
After seeing first hand how people who are living in poverty try so hard to earn money, I felt the need for an organized and cooperative effort to give these people an opportunity to earn money by providing their crafts to people who appreciate them.  In this way, they feel pride in a job well done, are working in a safe environment and earn a living to provide housing and education to their families. Through fair trade they see real possibilities for their future."

I know the Dunitz & Company collection is pretty and well made, and for that alone, many stores will sell our designs. For me, it is just as important that our jewelry is verified fair trade by Fair Trade Federation. In my eyes and heart, this is the only combination that works. I am so thankful for my retail partners who share the same beliefs we do at Dunitz & Company. Together we all make a big difference. Tell me. Why do you support fair trade? -ND