Sunday, December 23, 2018

Holiday Card Greetings, Always with Dogs

It dawned on me that the holidays crept up on me and I hadn't designed a new holiday card. What's a girl to do? Who would remember my terrific card from last year?  I decided to give my two doberman mascots new necklaces. Dunitz & Company fair trade necklaces, of course.  I also thought it would be fun to go through my computer and find my images from past years. In earlier times, we printed our greetings on paper and mailed them. In recent times, my masterpieces have been shared by email and social media. Here's my stroll down memory lane. I think this may be the first time I'm posting pics in "medium" size on my blog. It's either so you can see them easily without double clicking or to let you know just how much I love my dogs!

2007. Byron and the Snowman. Yes, he is wearing Dunitz & Company necklaces in appropriate colors

2008. Our mascot, Byron thinking about one of his favorite things. Yup. We made him wear reindeer antlers again.

2009. Byron was greeted by Santa that winter season.

2010. Byron was a bit more reserved with a Dunitz & Company bracelet featured as a collar.

2011. Return of the Antlers. And Byron was not too pleased.  I'm afraid at this point in the job, he had gotten quite old. I think the greeting reflected that.

2012. Stetson took over with a Chanukah Greeting.

2012. Simple, but our warm wishes are always the same.

2016. Don't ask. I haven't a clue what happened to 2013, 2014 or 2015 greetings. I can't seem to locate them.  By 2016, Ida had joined our crew.  Along with Stetson, they decided to don some Dunitz & Company fair trade kippot. Silly? Yes. Fun? Definitely.

2016. For Christmas, the mascots proudly wore Dunitz & Company necklaces. Me? I put on a Santa's helper outfit. Shall I saw I borrowed the outfit and body. Ah, the magic of Photoshop.

Seems 2017 was an oversight as well. Can't find a card in my files. Certainly our best wishes were in tow. They always are. Hey, go back to the top of this blog. And there you'll find our updated 2018 group shot. An updated version from 2016. But, heck, the dogs got new necklaces.  Happy Holidays and Best Wishes from Dunitz & Company for a healthy, happy, prosperous and fun New Year. See you in 2019! -ND