I look at a lot of photos each and every day on Instagram. Between my
@ndunitz feed and
@shopdunitz feed, I breeze through nearly 2400 accounts of images. Yes, that is a load of images! I follow the retail shops that sell Dunitz fair trade jewelry. I watch sustainable and ethical bloggers. I track all sorts of fashionistas. I follow back - those that watch me. And at the end of the day, there are a few feeds that have become my favorites. Here are a few you might enjoy watching too. Note, none of these Instagramers have paid me for this mention.

Many of you know, I learned so much about fashion from my mother. She was my first teacher of fashion. As a kid, I watched her dress up for all sorts of social events that ranged from charity luncheons to gala dinner parties. She was a clothes horse and she looked good in everything. And she knew her designers. I think this is why I've become so intrigued with
Rachel Adelicia's Instagram feed. This girl rocks style. And it warms my heart to see her wear amazing vintage design. I drool over the clothing she shows off. I'm almost sure she has great relationships with some upscale resale shops. Women wearing beautiful clothing on IG are a dime a dozen. Rachel not only looks terrific in so many styles, she styles her shots very very well. Seriously, she could be a magazine editor. She has a great eye. I sent her a message through IG recently asking her about her inspiration. She responded to me that she loves looking at fashion advertisements in magazines and recreating the looks with vintage. Bravo, Rachel. Read
her blog to learn more beyond the photos she shares on Instagram.

I love to eat. OK, most of us do! And I love to look at beautiful food. For this very reason, I watch a few foodie feeds on Instagram. My favorite eye candy comes from
Ivy Chin, who describes herself as a self taught and passionate cook. She uses edible flowers. Her works are full of amazing colors. And her combination of colors has inspired my jewelry design. You just NEVER know what will be the catalyst for design. I can't tell you how many times I've commented on Ivy's photos with "too pretty to eat." Check out her feed and let me know if you agree.
Weaving tales in color seems to be a specialty of
Emma Thomas. She's going through a pink phase right now. If you scroll through her feed you'll see lots of luscious and foggy colors. I loved her recent posts of hunter green images. She features yummy vintage time and time again. And the filters she chooses create such a wonderful moody feel. I drool over many of her choices. And I know I'll never find or be able to afford many of the breathtaking designs she features. So for now, I live vicariously through her feed. Love it, Emma!

Last year a friend of mine suggested I reach out to fashion bloggers on Instagram to see if I could obtain some visibility for
Dunitz & Company's fair trade jewelry. I wrote to several women. Many ignored me. Several looked at our website and emailed specifically which pieces of ours they'd love to own and model. Others left it up to us.
Rie Victoria Aoki was one of the women I contacted. At the time, she posted several photos on Instagram and on
her blog wearing Dunitz jewelry. Since that time, her's has become one of my favorite feeds to watch on Instagram. And clearly, I'm not alone. Her followers have been growing exponentially. Why? Because this is one woman who has it going on. She's stunning. She has style. And, from experience, I can tell you she is lovely too. Add her to your IG list! She will inspire your style.
Please share with me your favorite Instagram feeds. I'd love to watch what you find most inspiring. And of course
don't forget to follow ours.-ND