Our little gift packages looked like this ---->
Want the recipe? Here you go. Makes about 2 dozen. And honestly, it was so easy and quick!
1 can tuna (in water) - the original recipe said oil, so I just added a bit more than what the original recipe called for.
2 cups cornmeal (I used a little less, because that's what I had.)
2 cups flour (Here I used a little more.)
3/4 cups water
2/3 cup vegetable oil (I used a bit more.)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1. Preheat oven to 350° F
2. The recipe says to drain can of oil. I did not drain my can of water.
3. Combine cornmeal, flour and salt in large bowl and mix. Add tuna, water and oil and mix thoroughly.
4. Roll dough onto lightly floured surface to about 1/2" thickness. (Mine were a bit thinner, I'm sure.)
5. Transfer to ungreased baking sheet
6. For larger biscuits 3" bake 30-35 minutes. (That's exactly what I did, with switching the trays half way through this time period.) Note: Smaller cookies are recommended at 15-25 minutes.
7. Transfer to rack for cooling. Store in an airtight container and refrigerate.
And then I wondered, could I have baked these with fair trade ingredients or used possible substitutes. The answer seems to be yes and no. By researching I've learned a few things. Here is what I learned.

Vegetable Oil. There are many producers of nuts and seed-oils that produce fair trade products. Fair Trade USA has partnerships developing with several suppliers. I'd like to make a call-out to one of our Fair Trade Federation member colleagues, Canaan Fair Trade. This company works diligently to fairly employ those in marginalized Palestinian rural communities and they offer several varieties of olive oil. Had I had fair trade olive oil in my pantry, I'm certain it would have been an appropriate substitute for the veggie oil I had on hand. The dobes would absolutely not complain.
We promise to post another dog cookie recipe soon. In the meantime, try this one. Your Spot or Max will be so pleased. If you use some fair trade ingredients, please let us know. -ND