I’ve been working with Guatemalan artisans forrrreverrrr.
(Yes, I did that on purpose.) Since 1989 to
be exact.
The one thing many artisans do
to perfection in Guatemala is embroider. Many of you may be familiar with
traditional huipil blouses.
This is why
I’ve so often included traditional fabric, embroidery, crochet and macramé in
my designs.
For us it is not new or
trendy – it is.
Sometimes fads catch up
to us.
And this season may be one of
We’ve noticed all sorts of
embroidery on jeans and jackets. We’ve seen decked out handbags in Vogue and
Elle. And we’ve noticed lots of high end fashionistas sporting beautiful
flowers on denim. We gotcha. This is the season Beyonce should be wearing
Dunitz fair trade designs. We’ve got all sorts of hipster cuffs, necklaces and earrings.
Our collection is affordable. You should be wearing it. And this season you’ll
look completely on trend and like a million bucks. -ND