We've never prepared a PDF catalog. And this season, Las Vegas Market has offered to post exhibitor's catalogs on their website. This is one more way wholesale buyers can find new resources and/or research booths they might like to visit if they are attending the market. Their system is generated by a program called Active Merchandiser. So, I jumped right in. I began posting photos and descriptions in Photoshop and then saved my pages as a PDF file. I was then able to upload them and create a 'flip-book' on their system. So far I've designed 4 pages. And I don't think they're bad. I'm pretty proud of my first attempt at creating catalog pages. You can search and visit our profile and then look at our flip book. Check them out and tell me what you think? Suggestions welcome. And if you're attending Las Vegas Market, come see us in Pavilion #1 - Booth 3019 -ND