Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Barter for Cookies?
Sometimes it’s tough being a little guy (or gal.) It doesn’t
matter how amazing your line is (and ours is). We work endlessly to promote our business. We tweet. We post blog entries. Yes, we’re working social
media. We travel to trade shows – lots
of them. We send email blasts and regularly telephone our wholesale
clients. We do all we can to keep our
#fairtrade and handmade jewelry line in and on the minds of our clients. We don’t have famous friends and family. We
don’t hang out with celebrities. We just keep plugging along. Of course, I think anyone of note should love
wearing our jewelry and provide a call out. Creating more demand would result
in a lot more work for our artisans in Guatemala. Yes, yes. I know there are 1,000,000s of amazing
consumer goods needing a push.
Now – here’s where I see if you’re reading. Other than my beautiful jewelry designs, I’ve
wondered what bargaining chip (no pun intended) I might have. I’ve been famous since I was a young girl for
my Chocolate Chip Cookies. If you speak
with any my high school or college friends (#goblue) - & yes, my brother,
they’ll confirm this. OK influencers – I’ll trade you some cookies for a plug.
You won’t be disappointed. And I promise to use fair trade morsels ;) -ND