Two small world happenings were the catalysts for my
mentioning this film today. First, a friend of mine took her daughter to a
screening earlier this week at the Skirball Center in Los Angeles. Second, I
was emailing back and forth with an old friend from high school (we have a
reunion coming up) and she noticed and was impressed that I had liked this film
on Facebook. It turns out that her son
is a childhood friend of the film’s director, Andrew Morgan.
This film covers and explains the global epidemic of ‘fast
fashion’ so well. It effectively
illustrates how first world consumers demanding lower prices and constant
availability of new designs catapults profit seeking conglomerates into sourcing
production to the lowest bidder. This
results in garment workers working in unsafe conditions and not having the
ability to feed or school their families.
The director of this film, Andrew Morgan first delved into this topic
after the Rana Plaza garment factory collapse in Bangladesh in 2013 were over
1000 people were killed and many more injured.
I promise you, after you see this film, you will re-think where and how
you purchase your clothing.
My business is a member of the Fair Trade Federation. You can visit FTF website to learn more about
fair trade practices. I always go back
to the golden rule. Do onto others as you would have them do onto you. I urge you to think about how and what you
purchase. Think a little more about where
things are made. We need to carefor all
of our world’s citizens. -ND