I thought I'd have some light fun today and talk about mannequins. Our
(Dunitz & Company, that is.) mannequin, Ms. White has been showing off our jewelry for several years now. She doesn't complain and she can sit (or stand) still for hours on end. What I like best about Ms. White is that she doesn't "fight" our jewelry. She may be lithe and have an enviable body. But, for the most part, she falls into the background. And - well, she does have a torso, legs and arms. This allows her to model earrings, necklaces, bracelets and anklets. Oh yes, she has also modeled our kippot, part of our Judaica Collection. Hats off to Ms.White. Our website catalog wouldn't be as wonderful without her.

You can see what I mean in the photos I just snapped. I'm almost certain you see our colorful earrings before you focus on her beautifully shaped lips. I've always thought our jewelry is most outstanding when featured on a white or beige background. If you've seen Dunitz at the trade shows - you know our display is always eggshell color.
Last week, a new gal joined our staff. Ms.White now has some competition. Nancy joined up with "Tippy" (recently named by a customer of ours) at an area flea market. We're not sure what generation Tippy comes from. But, she's definitely been around. She has sexy full lips. And heck, this gal knew how to put on makeup and falsie eyelashes! Face it. She's hot!

She's already modeled our earrings. She does have pierced ears. And a fine job she's done. I'm also wondering if her beauty calls more attention to her than the earrings she is wearing. Maybe so. But I also think her glow is quite appealing. Tippy's work load will be limited. She has a torso without arms. And she has no legs. I'm guessing she'll look fabulous in some of our designs that use vintage components - watch parts and old coins.
What do you think about the battle of the mannequins? I'd love to hear your feedback. For now, I'm certain both of them will have some work to do later this season when our Fall 2014 designs are ready to be photographed. - ND