I never know where I’ll get my ideas for color combinations. Ideas can come from fashion and home décor magazines. I watch the reviews of the New York and Milan runway shows. Inspiration might come from graffiti painted on a Los Angeles highway overpass. I’m always observing and I seem to notice every detail. (I thrive on the details - almost in every case - except for the magnifiers in hotel bathrooms! You ladies know what I mean.)
One of my oldest jewelry designs is a twelve stranded bracelet with a toggle clasp. This bracelet has become a Dunitz & Company classic. At times I must admit that I’m bored with it – but I’m sure thankful I have it in the line. We’ve been selling this design for nearly twenty years and it is the “one” design that grounds me every season when I take on the new collection. I use this bracelet as the base for evaluating every color combination. If my colors work on this bracelet, I’ll translate the colors to all styles in my collection.
I’m well on my way to finishing Dunitz & Company’s Spring 2010 collection. Any and all of you readers will have to wait until January for this group to debut. For now I’ll give you a glimpse of the workings of my brain. In this case, I saw an outfit by designer Derek Lam. His colors are bit different than mine. But they did inspire me to combine green-turquoise with a camel-bronze. So here it is – a preview of 1 of 12 color combinations Dunitz will release in January 2010. Enjoy. ND
Thanks to friends, family, clients, vendors, colleagues and photo enthusiasts, two of our photos were voted in for inclusion in the debut Fair Trade Calendar for 2010. The contest (hosted by www.competico.com) was sponsored by the Fair Trade Federation and Fair Trade Resource Network and will raise money for education and operations of these fine organizations. (Note: Dunitz & Company is a member of Fair Trade Federation.)If you’d like to order one or more calendars you can do so by visiting http://tinyurl.com/ftcalendar2010. Printed on recycled & environmentally friendly paper, this calendar features a host of wonderful images of fair trade producers from around the world. I know I’ll love to seeing our beaders up on our wall. ND